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$4M Grant Awarded to Divert Trash from Marin Waterways

Posted on June 29, 2023

For Immediate Release –

San Rafael, CA –

EPA funding will help create pollution prevention infrastructure

A small creek running through a forested area in Marin County.
The federal grant funding will help an initiative designed to remove trash from stormwater runoff and prevent it from reaching Marin’s creeks, streams, the bay, and the ocean.

The Marin Countywide Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program (MCSTOPPP) has been awarded a $4 million grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) through its San Francisco Bay Water Quality Improvement Fund.

The grant will be used to fund the design of up to 17 stormwater treatment facilities and construct one or two of those facilities. Each stormwater treatment installation would be designed to capture trash larger than five millimeters from stormwater runoff, as well as remove pesticide residues, PCBs, metals and other fine sediment pollutants.

Additionally, the grant will fund the design and construction of a special facility to filter materials from water removed by municipalities during the cleaning and maintenance of storm drains and trash capture devices. This process ensures that pollutants and trash are properly disposed of as solid waste materials and do not end up in local waterways.

“This effort is a major undertaking for MCSTOPPP and the grant award will allow us to make it a reality,” said DPW Assistant Director Berenice Davidson. “This is a big step forward for protecting the natural resources of this beautiful county by helping keep pollutants out of the water. We are grateful to the EPA for supporting this work.”

The grant will cover half of the $8 million initiative, with the remaining $4 million funding match coming from the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) in the form of a $3.1 million cooperative agreement and approximately $900,000 from MCSTOPPP and the County of Marin’s General Fund.

MCSTOPPP is comprised of Marin’s 11 incorporated cities and towns and the County of Marin, and each will be involved in this implementation. The effort will develop engineering designs and secure environmental permits for as many as 17 stormwater treatment installations for potential placement in eight Marin municipalities (County of Marin, San Rafael, Novato, Tiburon, Corte Madera, Larkspur, Mill Valley, Sausalito).

The funding for this initial undertaking will only cover the construction of one or two of the stormwater treatment installations. However, it is anticipated that at least 12 of the other stormwater treatment installations that are designed under this initiative would be constructed later by the municipalities using Caltrans funding, as those facilities would treat runoff from Caltrans rights-of-way.

Public outreach is also a key factor in this effort and the grant funding will support such work. MCSTOPPP plans to include community-based engagement through coordination with the participating municipalities. The public outreach will focus on the importance of proper trash disposal practices and how a commitment to this work will impact the waterways of Marin for future generations.


Berenice Davidson
Assistant Director
Public Works

3501 Civic Center Drive.
San Rafael, CA 94903

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