For Immediate Release –
Marin County, CA –
Marin Water, North Marin Water District customers eligible for larger rain catchment system rebates

The following is a joint news release from the Marin County Public Works, Marin County Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program, Marin Water, and the North Marin Water District.
There are better deals available now for Marin County residents and businesses to collect rainwater for reuse around the yard. Thanks to a recent decision by the Marin County Flood Control and Water Conservation District Board of Supervisors, the county’s two largest water districts are now offering enhanced incentives for rainwater collection systems.
The decision earmarks $20,000 in new funding for the Marin County Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program (MCSTOPPP) to bolster Marin Water and the North Marin Water District rain barrel and cistern incentive programs by 25 cents per gallon – a more than 30% increase over existing rebates. The initiative also serves to double the current rebate cap, raising it to $2,000 per customer compared to the former $1,000 maximum.
“We are pleased to be able to collaborate with partners like Marin Water and the North Marin Water District to expand on the great work these districts are already doing while also reducing impacts on county stormwater systems,” said Dennis Rodoni, Marin County Flood Control and Water Conservation District Board of Supervisors chair. “The key to combatting climate change is collaboration, and this initiative certainly demonstrates that.”
MCSTOPPP works with Marin’s cities, towns and the County to improve water quality in the storm drain system, creeks, bays and ocean. Through this increased investment in rain barrel rebates, MCSTOPPP is working with local water agencies to encourage residents to collect water that would otherwise run off into stormwater systems and waterways, contributing to flooding and potentially bringing pollutants with it. By collecting rain for use on their properties, participating residents and businesses are protecting Marin’s natural resources.
Marin Water and the North Marin Water District previously offered rebates of up to 50 cents per gallon to customers who installed rainwater catchment systems to collect rain runoff from roofs via guttering downspouts. With this recent infusion, the pair of water agencies will be able to increase their rebates to 75 cents per gallon of storage to customers who install these systems.
“Just 1 inch of rain on a 1,000 square-foot roof produces 600 gallons of runoff,” said Ranjiv Khush, president of the Marin Water Board of Directors. “After installation, customers are able to use this essentially free water to supplement their outdoor irrigation.”
As water stored in rainwater catchment systems is not treated, it should not be used for cooking or human consumption.
To date, 142 customers have taken advantage of rain barrel rebates through Marin County’s two primary water agencies, storing more than 120,000 gallons of rainwater combined. With incentives increased, district leaders are hopeful for even greater adoption of this important conservation measure.
“Through this focused effort, we hope to see the amount of potable water saved increase partnership-wide in the coming year,” said Tony Williams, North Marin Water District General Manager.
To apply for a rebate on a rainwater catchment system, customers of Marin Water should go to and customers of North Marin Water District should go to
Rob Carson
MCSTOPPP Administrator
Public Works