Fairfax-Bolinas Road CONDITION UPDATES, thank you for your patience: Fairfax-Bolinas Road is closed from Azalea Hill to Ridgecrest on weekdays, but is open on weekends with the single lane access at milepost 5.73. By the end of January (weather permitting), the project is expected to be completed and the roadway will fully reopen. See project webpage for details.
Workers on the Civic Center roof reviewing documents and plans

Programs and initiatives


At Marin County Public Works, we strive to provide a high quality of life to the people of Marin County. In order to enhance our community, improve infrastructure and ensure public safety, ​the department of Public Works administers a variety of programs encompassing road work, public facilities, traffic safety, and environmental efforts, as well as providing timely and cost-effective support to other County departments and local agencies.

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