Are there flooding resources for property owners?
For flooding resources, please visit
For flooding resources, please visit
Visit the FEMA flood map service center to find your official flood map, access a range of other flood hazard products, and take advantage of tools for better understanding flood risk.
The District’s mission is to reduce the risk of flooding while utilizing sustainable practices. Learn more by visiting the Marin Flood Control District website.
The District’s work is focused within eight watersheds or flood zones established by the District Board of Supervisors. Zones can be entirely in unincorporated county, or also within city jurisdictions. Generally, we do not work on privately-held lands. Learn more by visiting the Marin Watershed Program website.
Inspection and maintenance of pump stations, levees and floodwalls, weather stations, and some stormwater features (pipes, tide gates, trash racks). Inspection and maintenance of unobstructed creek flow by trimming vegetation, removing debris, and removing accumulated sediment. Learn more by visiting the Marin Watershed Program website.
Visit to learn how to prepare for a flood so that you and your family know what to do, where to go, and what you will need to protect yourselves from flooding.
Standard homeowners insurance doesn’t cover flooding. It is important to have protection from the floods associated with hurricanes, tropical storms, heavy rains and other conditions that impact the U.S. Find out more about the NFIP and how it can help you protect yourself by visiting
If the street is County-maintained, contact the Roads Department at (415) 499-7388 for east County; or (415) 662-2320 for west County, or by filling out our online form. If the street is non-County-maintained and isn’t under the jurisdiction of one of the incorporated cities/towns in Marin, the maintenance responsibility is the property owners who use … Continued