FAQ Topic: Procurement FAQs
Yes. The County will donate items to Charitable Organizations or learning institutions. If you have something specific you would like to have donated, you may submit a request. Requests should be written on company letterhead with the description and purpose of the item; make sure to include 501(c) number and contact information.
The County of Marin sells surplus vehicles through www.publicsurplus.com. Vehicles are listed as they become available.
If you need to register as a vendor because you have awarded a contract or need to update your current profile; visit the Vendor Self Service (VSS) page or contact Department of Finance, Accounts Payable-Vendors.
To make a Public Records Act (PRA) request please visit the Public Records Request page.
Current Bids may be found on the Contracting Opportunities webpage. Make sure to subscribe to the website to be notified of new contracting opportunities.