Storm Related Road Closures for Unincorporated Marin County: Fairfax-Bolinas Road from Azalea Hill to Highway 1 in West Marin is closed due to debris on the roadway.

Printing Services


Anthony Cresci, Printing Services Manager
Jessica Poli, Office Administrator

County of Marin Civic Center
3501 Civic Center Drive, Room 400
San Rafael, CA 94903
Monday – Thursday 7:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Friday 7:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.


Responsible for the printing needs of all Marin County departments and divisions as well other government agencies and non- profit organizations by providing a full range of high-quality reproductive services. Staff operate full color copiers, 6 and 8 color Wide format Printing and cutting, a digital plate maker, a Bourg collator, a Ryobi Perfector, a Ricoh printing engine and OKI 5 Color print engine, as well as maintaining many types of paper, fabric, and other printable materials.


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