Real Estate


Christy McRoy
Chief Real Property Agent

Marin Commons
1600 Los Gamos Drive
San Rafael, CA 94903


The Real Estate Division was established as its own division in 1965. Real Estate is responsible for providing real estate services within DPW for many projects, programs and divisions such as Road improvement projects, Capital projects, Land Development permit requirements, lease consulting for Gnoss Field Airport and Marin County Flood Control and Water Conservation District projects. Real Estate also provides services and consulting to Marin County Open Space District, County departments such as Community Development Affordable Housing Programs, Health and Human Services, County Administrator, County Counsel and the Board of Supervisors. The Real Estate Division is a CalTrans “prequalified agency” for State and Federally funded transportation projects. As a prequalified agency other cities, towns and counties contract with Real Estate to provide real estate services required for their State and Federally funded transportation projects. Staff handles the majority of land transactions for the County of Marin and its affiliated agencies, including the negotiations for the acquisition land, and interests in land; negotiating and managing leases; project acquisition oversight for state and federally funded projects; property management of County and special district lands; and public right of way abandonment applications.

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