Storm Related Road Closures for Unincorporated Marin County: Fairfax-Bolinas Road from Azalea Hill to Highway 1 in West Marin is closed due to debris on the roadway.

Airport newsletter August 2017

Posted on August 5, 2017

August 31 — The contractor, Team Ghilotti, has received a notice to proceed from the County. In order to optimize the construction schedule, take advantage of good weather and possibly complete work earlier, the contractor may close the runway ahead of previously provided tentative schedule, as early as September 25, 2017. The 32-day duration of the closure is expected to remain the same. We will provide additional information and progress updates on a weekly basis. Thank you for your patience and understanding while these much-needed improvements to Gnoss Field’s runway take place.

August 25 — As previously announced, Marin County Airport’s runway will be closed for rehabilitation for 32 days, currently scheduled from October 4 through November 5. At the September 12 Marin County Board of Supervisors session, the supervisors will discuss approving a one-month rental relief measure for aviation businesses located at Gnoss Field with current leases with the County during the runway closure. This rental relief measure does not apply to non-business related ground leases. However, while the runway improvements are being completed, there are several nearby airports that are offering aircraft parking at a minimal fee. Please see previous NOTICE for alternative airport options.

August 25 — Standard maintenance activity is currently occurring at the airport with our County Roads division clearing hard-to-reach vegetation obstructions along the airport levees. They will also be continuing with asphalt crack sealing around the airport’s various non-runway pavement areas. Thank you for your patience while this maintenance is underway. Please be aware that this work is unrelated to the upcoming runway rehabilitation project.

August 21 — NOTICE: The FAA has awarded Marin County Airport a grant for the Gnoss Field Runway Rehabilitation Project![External] This grant will fund the reconstruction of the 50-year-old runway, which will require closing the runway for 32 days per the construction contract.

The tentative timeline for planning purposes estimates that the earliest the runway closure could occur is Wednesday, October 4. Following the contractor’s proposed schedule, the runway may reopen as early as Sunday, November 5. This schedule is subject to change, please check back for updates.

Anyone wishing to relocate their aircraft to nearby airports during the Gnoss Field closure, please contact:
Petaluma Airport – Bob Patterson (707) 778-4404
Napa County Airport – for tie down, contact:
Greg Baer
Napa Jet Center

We are excited about the planned improvements, but understand the inconvenience they may cause. For questions or concerns, contact Dan Jensen, Marin County Airport Manager, at (415) 897-1754.


August 17 — The Planning Commission will hold a hearing on Monday, August 28, at 2:00pm on Rezonings and Development Code Amendments related to the Gnoss Field Area of Northern Unincorporated Novato, including the Gnoss Field Airport. Marin County’s Community Development Agency is proposing to rezone 19 properties in the Gnoss Field Area because the subject properties are in a zoning district that is no longer a listed zoning district in the current Development Code. The proposed zonings would bring the subject properties into conformance with current zoning districts in a manner consistent with existing property uses. Furthermore, none of the proposed zoning changes affects the ability or the cost, or creates an obstacle to implementing the Gnoss Field Airport Master Plan adopted by the Board, or affects the criteria and implementation of the Airport Land Use Plan. The hearing will take place at the Marin County Civic Center, room 328. View the agenda and staff report.[External]


August 16 — The Planning Commission will hold a hearing on Monday, August 28, at 1:00pm on the Commodore Marina Seaplane Base. Marin County’s Community Development Agency is proposing to revoke or modify the use permit for seaplane operations in Richardson Bay in unincorporated Sausalito. The hearing will take place at the Marin County Civic Center, room 328. View the agenda and staff report.[External]


August 7 — The County has retained professional services to investigate soil and groundwater conditions underneath the above-ground storage tank fueling facility at Gnoss Field, located at 451-A Airport Road in Novato. On August 30, starting 10:00am, four soil borings will be drilled at that location with a limited access drill rig truck. The work should take about 4-5 hours.

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