Fairfax-Bolinas Road CONDITION UPDATES, thank you for your patience: Fairfax-Bolinas Road is closed from Azalea Hill to Ridgecrest on weekdays, but is open on weekends with the single lane access at milepost 5.73. By the end of January (weather permitting), the project is expected to be completed and the roadway will fully reopen. See project webpage for details.

Airport newsletter December 2017

Posted on December 5, 2017

December 29 — The Gnoss Field Airport runway is now open. Construction work, however, is still continuing on the airport property even with the open runway, including on Saturday, December 30. As always, please use caution and observe airport safety rules:

No vehicles or pedestrians on the runway or taxiways at any time.

Exercise caution around workers and equipment still in use finishing the ramp area.

Select taxiway lanes on the main ramp may be temporarily closed this weekend to ensure safety. Taxiway lane between Charlie and Delta may also experience closures for additional site work along drainage ways.

Please slow down in the Airport operations area – speed limit for vehicles is never to exceed 15 mph.

Follow our noise abatement procedures all the time, every time.

All dogs must stay under control per County code.

December 28 — The contractor is finishing up painting the freshly paved runway today, as well as importing and compacting shoulder material. Additional cover material will be imported and compacted at the north end of the runway. Work will also be conducted today on the runway lights. At this time, it is anticipated that the runway will be open before the end of day tomorrow, Friday, December 29.

December 26 — Runway paving work was completed on Friday, December 22. Material was imported on Saturday, December 23 and work occurred on the shoulder backfill areas. Today, work continues on the shoulder areas and work began on moving some of the stockpiles to an area just beyond the north end of the runway. This will be followed by covering the material with a minimum of three inches of fill. Work is also occurring today to layout the pavement striping and markings. Painting will take place during the next two days. The County is preparing plans to also move and cover stockpiled material to an area adjacent to the stormwater detention facility.

December 21 — Today is the second day of runway paving. The runway will receive 6 lanes of asphalt, 12.5 feet wide (total 75 feet wide). Yesterday the contractor completed 2 1/3 of the 6 lanes. It is anticipated that the paving work will be completed by end of day tomorrow, Friday, December 22. The contractor provided a proposal to move some of the apron stockpiled material to beyond the north end of the runway, thereby extending the runway overrun area, adding cover material and hydroseeding the area. The proposal is currently under review by the County. If accepted, it is anticipated that the work would occur next week concurrent with the final shoulder work and striping. At this time is it is expected that the runway will be open at the end of day Friday, December 29, 2017.

December 18 — The runway subbase has been stabilized and tested to ensure specifications have been achieved. Asphalt paving will begin Wednesday, December 20, and is expected to finish on Friday, December 22.

December 15 — The contractor is working on the west side of the runway today. They will be conducting mixing, grading, and testing throughout the day. The cement treatment is expected to be completed today as planned. Material samples have been taken during the treatment process and test results should be received by Tuesday, December 19.

December 13 — The contractor will begin stabilizing the runway base course material tomorrow (December 14) with a cement treatment. This process is expected to be completed in two days. Material samples will be taken throughout the process and tested to ensure that the necessary specifications have been achieved. Final laboratory results for all samples are expected on Tuesday, December 19. It is not expected the contractor will proceed with the runway paving until all laboratory results are received.

December 12 — For a complete update on the status of the Gnoss Field Runway Rehabilitation Project, please view today’s full news release.[External]

December 11 — The County received a letter today in which the contractor is proposing to do a cement treatment of the runway’s base material in order to meet specifications. The County is currently reviewing the proposal.

December 5 — At the December 5th Board of Supervisors session, the supervisors voted to approve rental relief for all tenants with County leases at Gnoss Field airport. The one-month rental relief was recommended because of the extended runway closure due to the runway reconstruction project. The rental relief will be applied to the month of January for all tenants in good standing. For more details, please view the Board of Supervisors letter regarding the rent relief. For questions or concerns, contact Dan Jensen, Marin County Airport Manager, at (415) 897-1754

December 4 — Sampling and laboratory analysis of the runway base material continued over the weekend, with more results indicating material and runway base areas passing specifications. Additional sample tests are being conducted. In case the results do not meet specifications, contingency planning by the contractor to potentially utilize a lime or cement treatment is also being considered.

December 1 — The laboratory testing on the base material returned mixed results when compared to the contract base material specifications (some results passed, some did not). County staff has requested that the contractor respond with an intended method to meet specifications and a date of correction before allowing the runway paving to proceed. The FAA was consulted in making this determination.

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