Storm Related Road Closures for Unincorporated Marin County: Fairfax-Bolinas Road from Azalea Hill to Highway 1 in West Marin is closed due to debris on the roadway.

Airport newsletter January 2018

Posted on January 5, 2018

January 26 — As previously announced on January 19, a second coat of paint will be applied to the runway on January 29 and 30, weather permitting. The painting will require the closure of the runway for both days (8:00 AM to 6:00 PM). The paint is highly sensitive to weather conditions, so please keep in mind that the planned activity is subject to change on short notice.

January 19 — The contractor and subcontractor are tentatively planning on completing the second coat of paint on the runway on January 29 and 30, weather permitting. There are a number of weather factors involving temperature and humidity that control when the work can occur. The work will require closure of the runway for two days. Details on the runway painting are still being worked out and may be subject to change on short notice, again depending on weather conditions.

January 4 — The airport runway reopened last Friday, December 29. However, work continues on removing asphalt debris and other materials from the apron area, where the stockpiles were located, to the airport east side spoil site. The material on the east will be covered with non-serpentine material. The soil heave area along the taxiway ditch line as well as the apron subsurface have been tested and found to be non-serpentine soil material and the plan is to use this material as cover material. Sometime after January 23 the runway will be scheduled to close for two days to add another coating of paint to the runway markings.

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