Storm Related Road Closures for Unincorporated Marin County: Fairfax-Bolinas Road from Azalea Hill to Highway 1 in West Marin is closed due to debris on the roadway.

Airport reports

Gnoss Field Noise Abatement brochure

Gnoss Field publishes a noise abatement procedure for operators and pilots to reduce the noise impacts from aircraft on surrounding residents. The map depicts the recommended procedures to approach the airport, enter the traffic pattern for landing, and departure headings. Furthermore, these procedures are summarized in the Airport/Facilities Directory, posted on signs at each end of the runway for departing aircraft, and announced on the weather radio frequency for the airport.

Gnoss Field Environmental Impact Report

A comprehensive environmental impact review (EIR)[External] of the proposed 1,110’ extension of the runway at Gnoss Field was certified by the Marin County Board of Supervisors on February 11, 2014 under the California CEQA process. The FAA completed an environmental impact statement (EIS) on July 3, 2014 under the federal NEPA process.
The multi-year process involved numerous stakeholders representing government agencies, environmental advocates, residents and neighbors of the airport, and airport businesses and users. A comprehensive web site was published to provide public access to the detailed information, comments and responses to comments in the review process.

Gnoss Field Grand Jury Report

“Gnoss Field: Yeah, But It’s Our Airport”
In 2014, the Marin County Civil Grand Jury studied the management and operation of the Marin County Airport, Gnoss Field. They concluded that “the airport is, given available resources, well managed for a general aviation airport of its size. … There are, however, some issues that need to be addressed.” The report contains 11 findings and 14 recommendations. Responses were requested from the Marin County Board of Supervisors, the Director of Public Works and County Administrator for Marin County, the Aviation Commission and the Airport Land Use Commission.

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