For Immediate Release –
San Rafael, CA –
Reclamation plan addendum open to public comment and Board consideration

In November, the Marin County Board of Supervisors (BOS) will consider a 20-year extension to the reclamation plan for the San Rafael Rock Quarry in eastern San Rafael, about half a mile from McNears Beach. The new request would extend the reclamation timeline from 2024 to 2044.
The Dutra Group, which has owned the quarry since 1986, prepared an addendum to the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) that was originally prepared and then certified by the Board of Supervisors in 2009.
The environmental analysis for the addendum, released for public review August 9, found that there were no new or substantially more significant impacts than originally identified in the 2009 Final EIR. In November, the Board will consider adoption of the addendum and whether to approve the San Rafael Quarry’s 20-year reclamation plan extension request.
Following the addendum’s release August 9, the County opened a 30-day public review and comment period. As detailed in initial community outreach, the County’s Environmental Planning team is accepting emailed feedback on the addendum. The comment period closes September 8 to allow planning staff and the EIR consultant time to prepare responses to the comments prior to the Board hearing, which is expected to take place in November.
Members of the public may also attend the Board public hearing in November and provide comments on the addendum and project approval. The specific date has yet to be set, but public outreach will be conducted in advance of the hearing.
The San Rafael Rock Quarry has been permitted as a mining operation through the Marin County Department of Public Works (DPW) since 1972. The operation primarily produces rock, concrete aggregate, sand, asphaltic concrete, and rip rap products used for construction projects.
The Dutra Group states that production levels in recent years have been lower than previously projected and permitted, and that the additional time is needed to achieve final grading necessary for reclamation. The reclamation effort would be handled by Dutra, including grading of the quarry, erosion and sediment control, and vegetation restoration.
The process of the reclamation project began in 2004 when the Dutra Group first applied for a permit to do the state-mandated work. Following a five-year environmental review, the permit was granted in 2010 with a variety of conditions of approval such as air, noise and seismic monitoring. Based on the various conditions, Dutra submitted an amended permit application in 2014. However, the project was delayed, allowing time to consult with the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) on wildlife habitat protection efforts.
In February 2018, the Dutra Group re-submitted plans for the grading permit and included the assessment, monitoring and avoidance protocol for wildlife habitats. That permit was approved under the parameters that the work would be completed by 2024. The recently submitted request would address the timeline of that 2018 permit.
Berenice Davidson
Principal Civil Engineer
Public Works
3501 Civic Center Drive
Suite 304
San Rafael, CA 94903
(415) 473-3770