Storm Related Road Closures for Unincorporated Marin County: Fairfax-Bolinas Road from Azalea Hill to Highway 1 in West Marin is closed due to debris on the roadway.

Airport Newsletter June 2020

Posted on June 30, 2020

Consumer Price Index (CPI) – Reminder

Please be aware that all month to month lease holders at Gnoss Field will receive a CPI increase. This increase will come from the San Francisco Area “All Urban Consumers” CPI index and added to the July billing statements. New Look – The Department of Finance has changed billing and collections software, so the billing statement will look different.


As the COVID-19 public health crisis continues to evolve and new Public Health Orders are issued both at the State and local levels, amendments to individual businesses’ SPPs may be needed in order to incorporate new requirements. Also, please be prepared and follow all social distancing orders when entering the airports pilot’s lounge and associated businesses. Face Coverings are mandatory to enter the County building. More information is available at these two websites: Marin Health & Human Services’ Coronavirus Updates[External] and Marin Recovers[External].

Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for future Runway Extension

The FAA is currently reviewing the Final Supplemental EIS for the airport with a Record of Decision (ROD) expected by the end of July of this year. Once a ROD is approved, staff will prepare a survey for airport tenants to review comments on the runway extension and make suggestions for possible outcomes.

Self-Serve Fuel Island Update

CB Aviation is still working with their contractor to complete the installation. However, they do not have an estimate on date it will be operational.

Annual Airport Update at Board of Supervisors (BOS)

Public Works will be presenting an annual update to the BOS similar to last year on July 21, 2020.

General Airport Issues and Requests:

Aircraft Storage Permits and Insurance

Please update your information with current aircraft and contact information on your space at Gnoss Field. Per the County Aircraft Storage Permit for habitually situated aircraft:

“All Permittees agree to disclose all aircraft he/she has caused to locate on the Airport and shall be financially responsible for these aircraft or for any other access onto the property granted by this permit. Any owner shall furnish the County, in advance of arrival of the aircraft, evidence of financial responsibility in the minimum.”

Trash and Recycle Bins

Please read the signs posted on each dumpster for accepted trash and recycle items. The left dumpster is for trash items only and the right dumpster is for approved recycle items only. Our service provider will not pick up the containers if items are placed within the dumpster and recycle bin that are not permitted and posted on the signs.


The Airport Operations Area has a 15 MPH Speed Limit.

PG&E PSPS Impact on Gnoss Field

Fire Season is upon us again, please be aware that PG&E’s Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) program, which is designed to turn off electricity in the interest of public safety during extreme fire danger conditions, will impact Gnoss Field. The following could be out of service if PG&E were to initiate a PSPS:

  • AWOS
  • PAPI lights
  • Runway and Taxiway lights
  • Electric hangar doors
  • Unicom communications


Additionally, the County Building and Pilots Lounge would have no power. If this happens, Gnoss Field staff will file a NOTAM with the FAA and send out a message to the airport email list. Please be aware that the PSPS events may last for several days, so be prepared for any possible long-term power outages.

Screw Loose?

Quick Tip – Have you checked your aircraft inspection plates during your pre-flight inspection? Most debris (FOD) found on the runway appears to be screws from aircraft inspection plates.

Noise Abatement Procedures

Noise sensitive residents occupy homes to the south and southeast of the airport. Please follow the Noise Abatement Procedures. Please, no straight in approaches to runway 31 and no straight out departures from runway 13 over the homes. Also, please help those pilots that are unfamiliar with Gnoss Field to avoid the Noise Abatement Area, the neighbors really do appreciate our efforts!

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