1/14/25 UPDATE: The Board approved granting the contract with CAW Architects.
For Immediate Release –
Marin County, CA –
A consultant is recommended to design the building systems upgrade project

The Veterans’ Memorial Auditorium (VMA) is the gem of the Marin Center, a staple arts venue in Marin for the past 50 years. It has been closed since 2023 to facilitate two consecutive improvement projects. At the January 14 session of the Marin County Board of Supervisors (BOS), the Marin County Department of Public Works (DPW) will recommend that the BOS select CAW Architects as the design consultant for the upcoming building systems upgrade project.
The recently completed consultant advertisement process identified CAW Architects as the most qualified and responsive firm, with their proposal featuring an experienced and comprehensive team that has an extensive history of improving historical theaters and performing arts venues. The cost estimate to complete the design work, obtain permits, and produce construction documents is $1.9 million, part of the $15.1 million estimated total cost of the overall VMA building systems upgrade project.
The planned scope of the overall upgrade project includes:
- Removal and replacement of concrete floor slabs in the north and south lobbies and restrooms due to settlement of the soils beneath the building.
- Mitigation measures to alleviate water intrusion through the building’s floor slabs and below-grade walls.
- Replacement of sanitary sewer lines, interior drain lines, and other utilities that have been damaged by the soil settlement.
- Upgrades to HVAC system to improve reliability and comfort of producers and patrons, including replacing the air chiller, boilers, and cooling tower.
- Replacement of the orchestra pit lifting mechanism, including accessibility elements.
- Replacement of the building entry doors to meet current standards.
- Construction of accessible dressing rooms and restrooms for performers.
- Theater upgrades including modernization of the audio-visual and lighting systems.
The VMA closed in June 2023 to allow for a seismic retrofit of the building, which was completed in April 2024. However, the building remained closed as the seismic project rolled into the current building systems upgrade project after additional improvements were identified to address critical health, safety, and accessibility issues.
The issues were identified while the seismic retrofit project was underway. The findings resulted in the need to develop a significantly more comprehensive renovation of the facility. It is expected that the new project’s timeline will have the work completed by the end of 2026.
As part of the building systems upgrade project, a long-term planning effort for the entire VMA facility will begin soon. Approximately $1 million has been allocated for that component, which is already accounted for in the total cost estimate. The long-term planning work includes plans for modern seating configurations, addition of a rear soundwall for the auditorium to improve acoustics, improvements to the lobby, and other modifications to enhance patron comfort and experience.
The project is a much-needed investment in the premier arts and performance venue for Marin. The increase in budget for the design consultant is offset by a funds transfer from the County’s General Fund for this important public facility improvement. Funded by a one-time allocation approved by the BOS, the effort is intended to restore and preserve the historic venue, improving the safety and functionality for performers and visitors for decades to come.
Christopher Blunk
Interim Director
Public Works
3501 Civic Center Drive.
San Rafael, CA 94903