Archives: FAQs

How do I learn about flood preparedness?

Visit to learn how to prepare for a flood so that you and your family know what to do, where to go, and what you will need to protect yourselves from flooding.

What do I need to do for hazardous materials compliance?

You can go online and download the Permanent State ID Number Instructions and Application (DTSC Form 1358) for submission by mail or complete and submit online. Be advised that it may take 3-4 weeks to receive your new I.D. Number from the Department of Toxic Substance and Control (DTSC), so request your I.D. Number as … Continued

How do I request a road closure?

To request a road closure, please submit an Unified Application for Encroachment Permit with the following : A written description Select ‘yes’ for Road Closure Select Surface Type: Asphalt/concrete/other Attachments – please attach a site map, drawing or sketch Visit our Land use permits page to learn more.

When is my road going to be fixed?

The Engineering Paving Program explains the process for road selection and improvement based on the Pavement Condition Index. To learn more, visit our Engineering Paving Program page.

How do I request printing services?

The Printing Services team provides a wide array of printing services for all county departments, Marin county municipalities and nonprofit organizations. Printing services are not available for the general public. Learn more by visiting our Printing Services page.

What can I do to promote traffic safety?

For residents desiring to improve traffic safety in their neighborhood, a good place to start is at Street Smart Marin.  If there is a traffic safety issue near a school, a good place to start is with the Safe Routes to School team. For more resources regarding traffic safety visit our traffic safety tips page.

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