Archives: FAQs

How do I set up a PRD for my neighborhood?

There are several steps to forming a PRD. It involves gathering community support, preparation of a formal boundary map, a petition, and Board of Supervisors approval. If the PRD intends to also request a ballot measure for a special tax for immediate improvements, an engineer’s report detailing scope and cost for the improvements is required. … Continued

How long does this process take?

Typically, a PRD can be formed, and a special tax placed on the ballot within 12 to 18 months. Initial road work can usually occur 6 to 12 months after the special tax passes and a loan taken out. 

What are the disadvantages of a PRD?

The main disadvantage of utilizing a PRD is increased cost. A portion of any assessment or special tax must be used to pay County staff for administrative time related to the PRD. In addition, because the funds raised by a PRD are public monies, the PRD is required to pay prevailing wage and follow bid … Continued

Can a PRD receive a loan to cover the improvement cost?

An interest-bearing loan may be available to finance a portion of road work rather than waiting until the PRD has accumulated sufficient funds through the tax measure. The PRD may contact the Department of Finance at or (415) 473-6143 for more information, including interest rate requirements associated with loan repayment

Do we need a PRD to maintain our private roads?

No.  A PRD is just one option available. Property owners could choose to form other types of organizations or funding mechanisms, including a homeowners’ association, a community facilities district, or choose to fund the repairs without a formal organization. If unsure, the property owners should consult an attorney to determine the best mechanism for their … Continued

What is a Permanent Road Division?

A Permanent Road Division (PRD) is a division formed in accordance with the California Streets and Highway Code sections 1160-1197. The PRD is usually created at the request of property owners in unincorporated areas to help finance road improvements and/or maintenance where the roads are privately maintained. 

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