Archives: FAQs

Prohibited vehicles and tires 

No vehicle shall be moved or operated upon a county highway having corrugations on the periphery of the movable tracks on a track engine or tractor the propulsive power of which is not exerted through wheels resting upon the roadway but by means of a flexible band or chain.   No tire on any vehicle shall have on … Continued

Bus restrictions 

Tour/Commercial buses are prohibited from travelling over the following streets and highways:   Montford Avenue   Pacific Way   Ross Drive   Jean Street   Laurel Way   Poplar Street   Pine Street   Spruce Street   Ash Street   Maple Street   Marin Avenue   Edgewood Avenue   Flamingo Avenue   Almonte Boulevard, west of Miller Avenue   Seacape Drive   Enterprise Concourse   Muir Beach Overlook   For more details see Marin County … Continued

Length limits 

Motor vehicles in excess of thirty (30) feet are prohibited from travelling over the following streets and highways:   Muir Woods Road Muir Woods National Monument entrance (milepost 1.52) east to Panoramic Highway.   Motor vehicles in excess of thirty-six (36) feet are prohibited from travelling over the following streets and highways:   Muir Woods Road and Franks Valley Road from Shoreline … Continued

Weight limits  

Motor vehicles of a gross weight in excess of three tons are prohibited on Paradise Drive.   Motor vehicles of a gross weight in excess of fourteen thousand pounds are prohibited on Via Escondida, between the boundary of the City of Novato and the southeasterly side of Calle Paseo. For this weight limit the exemptions of California Vehicle Code Section 35714 … Continued

Where is the submit button? 

The submit button is located at the bottom of the form. You must go to the end of the form to find and click the submit button.  

What if I didn’t get an email receipt and copy of my form? 

Depending on your email service, the email receipt may arrive anywhere from immediately to 24 hours later.   Please check that the form was not delivered to your spam or junk mail folders. The sender will be: ” ”  If you do not have a receipt within an hour, please click here to send us a message. 

Why won’t the form open?

Some people may experience problems with Adobe Reader and its interaction with their computer. If you do not see the form or if you see a “Please wait…” message that is not eventually replaced, your web browser’s settings may need configuration.   Chrome and Firefox have different “add-ons,” “plug-ins” and “extensions” that enable the browser to … Continued

How much does it cost to store my aircraft on site?

Aircraft parked overnight on tie-downs will be tagged and fees are $10/night for small aircraft, $15/night for turboprop aircraft, and $20/night for turbine aircraft. To request a permit to store an aircraft at Gnoss Field, use our Aircraft Storage Permit Form to request a tie-down space on the ramp, a portable hangar or a county … Continued

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