Archives: FAQs

Who is responsible for the maintenance of my driveway culvert?

Driveway culvert maintenance is the responsibility of the property owner.  If your street is County-maintained, you will need an Encroachment Permit before beginning any maintenance or repair work.  If the culvert is for a creek crossing, a Creek Permit may be required.  Contact the Land Development office at (415) 499-3755 for more information.

How do I report illegal dumping that is on the side of the road?

To report illegal dumping of trash on the side of the road, please contact us via this form and provide as much location detail as possible. Please be aware that depending on what agency has jurisdiction over trash collection at the location, or if the trash materials require special equipment, the response time may vary.

How low can an aircraft fly?

According to Federal Aviation Regulation: except when necessary for takeoff or landing, no person may operate an aircraft below the following altitudes: Lower than minimum altitudes that will allow an aircraft to make an emergency landing without risking persons or property on the ground. Over congested areas: congested area of a city, town, or settlement, … Continued

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