Archives: FAQs

Mental health in the workplace

Mental Health Conditions in the Workplace and the ADA – ADA National Network Mental Health – Office of Disability Employment Policy Mental Health at Work – U.S. Department of Labor Mental Health Toolkit – Employer Assistance and Resource Network on Disability Inclusion (EARN) Accommodation and Compliance: Mental Health Conditions – Job Accommodation Network


New guide for employers on disability disclosure in the workplace – The Employer Assistance and Resource Network on Disability Inclusion guide helps employers better understand when and why employees disclose, the role employers play in creating a supportive workplace, and the positive ways employer-employee relationships can lead to disclosures. Employment and the Americans with Disabilities Act … Continued

Emergency prepardness

The “Let’s Get Prepared” guide by the California State Council on Developmental Disabilities is a fantastic resource. The guide is designed to help individuals with disabilities address the specific needs they may face during an emergency. If you have a disability, extra planning is essential. This resource will guide you through the preparedness process. In … Continued

Disabled Veterans

Wounded Warrior and Caregiver Resource Guide – Dept. of Labor, January 2022 Veterans: Resources by Disability – Job Accommodation Network Veterans and the ADA: A Guide for Employers – EEOC Employment Resources for Veterans – Dept. of Labor: Office of Disability Employment Policy Disabled Veterans: Understand how your organization can benefit from sourcing and recruiting veterans with disabilities. – Employer Assistance and Resource Network … Continued

Civil engagement

Disability Civic Engagement Guide – A guide to event and communication inclusivity and accessibility for People with Disabilities

Assistive technology

Ability Tools (AT), formerly the AT Network, is California’s Assistive Technology Act Program. They provide a variety of services for Californians with disabilities of all ages which include: NATADS Assistive Technology Portal Device Lending and Demo Centers Financial loan program for AT Information & Referral Reuse program in affiliation with organizational partners In addition, Ability … Continued

Accessible parking at the Civic Center

Civic Center Administration Building Accessible Parking is available in three lots serving the Civic Center Administration Building via the south arch entrance and middle arch entrance. From the North: Travel to Highway 101 and travel Southbound. Take the Freitas Parkway Exit. Turn Left at the Stop Light at the end of the freeway off ramp. Travel over the freeway on the overpass. … Continued

What is happening with the VMA Parking Lot?

The Veterans’ Memorial (VMA) parking lot and north campus gateway to the Marin Center requires significant repairs that include a new surface, subgrade repairs, and new permeable drainage system under parking stalls (see Project webpage). The work incorporates prior campus traffic studies and parking plans, provides for new Wi-Fi devices to improve campus coverage, future conduits to … Continued

Who is paying for the construction?

The VMA Seismic Retrofit project total approved budget is $6.85M.  Of this total, $5.13M is expected to be reimbursed by a FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grant. The County also allocated $10 million in one–time funding in June 2023 to address other building needs beyond the seismic retrofit. This funding will cover the cost of the health/safety … Continued

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