Storm Related Road Closures for Unincorporated Marin County: Fairfax-Bolinas Road from Azalea Hill to Highway 1 in West Marin is closed due to debris on the roadway.

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Please contact the law enforcement agency for your jurisdiction. Visit the Marin County Sheriff’s resource page for details and related links.

Job applicants and County employees may request reasonable accommodations or address another disability related concern, by contacting Megan Numair in the Human Resources Department.

To request auxiliary aid or service for effective communication, or a modification of policies or procedures to participate in a program, service, or activity of the County of Marin, visit our ADA reasonable accommodations page or contact the County of Marin’s ADA Coordinator.

To file an employment related accessibility complaint, visit our ADA grievance procedure page.

To file a program related accessibility complaint, visit our ADA grievance procedure page.

To file a digital space accessibility complaint, visit the main County web accessibility page.

For Immediate Release - San Rafael, CA - Neighborhood in unincorporated Marin County to get $850K in roadway repairs   The Marin County Department of Public Works (DPW) will begin a roadway improvement project the week of September 20 in the Loma Verde neighborhood of unincorporated Novato. The $850,000 project will repair and repave about one mile...

To learn about the various jurisdictions in Marin, please see our jurisdiction resource page. To learn about the different types of roads in Marin, such as County-maintained, non-county maintained, private roads and paper roads, please see our Roads in Marin page. 

This is a civil matter. The County does not mediate problems between private property owners.

Learn more about the public charging stations located at County facilities all across Marin.

The Capital Projects Division is responsible for capital improvements and major maintenance of all County buildings and infrastructure, including the San Quentin Village Sewer Maintenance District.

Visit the Climate Action Plan page to learn what the County of Marin is doing to address climate change. 

Visit our Walk Bike Marin website for more information about the County’s bicycle and pedestrian projects and programs. 

The Fleet division and the Telecommunications division handle various mechanical needs, customization and technology installation for other agencies.

No. The law does not require a wet signature at the Consolidated Emergency Response Contingency Plan in CERS. Writing the name of the responsible person is enough. Please visit our CUPA page for more information on CERS.

CUPA inspection is an unannounced inspection. Because of the regulatory nature of CUPA inspections and the uncertain time frames involved, the facilities should expect unannounced inspections.  Please visit our CUPA page for more information.

In many areas of Marin, culvert pipes are predominantly located within private property and are the private property owner’s responsibility to maintain. However, costs to properly repair deteriorating culverts may be prohibitive and therefore, simply not done, which can heighten risks of damage to public infrastructure. Please see the Drainage Assistance Program to find out...

Visit our land survey page for more information on survey corner records.

Visit our land survey page for more information on lot line placement.

For flooding resources, please visit

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