FAQ Topic: Land Development FAQs

How to submit a land permit

Click on permit application tile above to display application Print out application (encroachment permit can be submitted online) Fill in application Mail or fax to the Marin County Department of Public Works along with required plans and fees: County of Marin Department of Public Works 3501 Civic Center Drive Room #304 San Rafael, CA 94903 … Continued

How do I get an Encroachment Permit?

The County website outlines steps to follow and provides links to helpful resources. Applicants should submit an Unified Application for Encroachment Permit  following  these steps: Confirm that the planned work or event is in an area of unincorporated Marin and involves a County-maintained road and right-of-way by querying Marin Maps at marinmap.org. Prepare a site … Continued

When is an Encroachment Permit required?

An Encroachment Permit is required for any work conducted within a County-maintained public right-of-way.  Often, the County-maintained public right-of-way extends beyond the paved street and may extend beyond the sidewalk. An Encroachment Permit allows you to make certain uses and construct certain improvements within a County-maintained public right-of-way, both above and underground.  Examples include, but … Continued

Who is responsible for repairing the sidewalk in front of my property?

Pursuant to the California Street & Highways code §5610-5614, it is the property owner’s responsibility to repair sidewalks that front their property.  If the street is County-maintained, you will need to procure an Encroachment Permit before commencing any work.  However, all fees associated with the Permit are waived for sidewalk repair. Visit our Land use permits … Continued

Is my road a moratorium road (and what is a moratorium road)?

The County of Marin maintains over 421 miles of roads. The roads on the moratorium list are those that are in the best condition. The list of moratorium roads is updated annually to account for recent paving projects. If you are planning work on a moratorium road, the fees may be higher than if the … Continued

How do I know if my road is County-maintained?

The Marin County Public Works maintains over 420 miles of road in unincorporated areas of Marin. To learn about the various jurisdictions in Marin, please see our jurisdiction resource page. To learn about the different types of roads in Marin, such as County-maintained, non-county maintained, private roads and paper roads, please see our Roads in … Continued

Do I need a permit to trim my tree?

If you live on a County maintained road and traffic will be impacted by the tree trimming, then yes, an encroachment permit will be needed. Learn more by visiting our Land use permits page.

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