Fairfax-Bolinas Road CONDITION UPDATES, thank you for your patience: Fairfax-Bolinas Road is closed from Azalea Hill to Ridgecrest on weekdays, but is open on weekends with the single lane access at milepost 5.73. By the end of January (weather permitting), the project is expected to be completed and the roadway will fully reopen. See project webpage for details.

2022 Road Sealant Project – Phase 1

This is a completed project. You are in the Archived Projects section of the website. Active projects can be found on the Projects webpage.



One of the most important aspects of managing the County’s unincorporated road network condition is continual investment towards pavement preservation treatments.  These types of sealant projects represent relatively low-cost improvements that prolong the effective life of roadways in good to fair condition.

This sealant project includes crack sealing, preservation treatments slurry seal or microsurfacing, and striping on approximately 40 centerline miles of roadway across unincorporated areas of Marin County.  It is worth noting that this is one of the largest sealant projects the County has ever undertaken. The preservation treatments selected for this project were based on the current conditions of each road segment, utility coordination and scoping efficient road groupings.

This sealant project has two objectives.  The first objective is to apply the pavement preservation treatment at the optimal time to extend the useful life of the roadway.  The second objective is to provide a stopgap measure to improve roads in the ‘poor condition’ category and defer repaving or reconstruction by 3 to 10 years depending on the condition at the time of application, reducing the cost per year of service life.


The estimated $2.9 million project is funded by the County's Road & Bridge Fund and the State Gas Tax Senate Bill 1.

Traffic Impacts

Construction will take place during the daytime hours with traffic control measures.  Depending on the length of the road, closures may be done in separate phases.  For residential roads, expect roads to be totally closed for a maximum of 8 hours per day (residents will receive 7 day advance notification of any such work).  For arterial and collector roads, expect traffic control and lane closures with 10 minutes traffic delays during the lane closures.

Property owners/residents along the roads scheduled for sealing are given advance written notifications ahead of any work that requires their road to be closed in order for them to adequately prepare.  After sealing the road, the public will notice an immediate improvement to the road’s aesthetics and rideability.


Summer 2022

  • Anticipated start of construction

Fall 2023

  • Anticipated completion of construction
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