What jurisdiction do you live in?

The jurisdictions for Marin County

Marin County is comprised of 11 incorporated town and city jurisdictions, while the 456.89 square miles of unincorporated area are under the jurisdiction of the County of Marin. Knowing which local government agency’s jurisdiction you live in can help expedite any assistance you are seeking and provide direction for a wide range of questions.

Please use the District Lookup map to find out the jurisdiction that you live in, as well as who your District Supervisor is and how to contact them. To learn about the different types of roads in Marin, such as public roads, private roads, "paper" roads, and others, please visit the Roads in Marin page.

Connect with other jurisdictions and agencies

Need to reach one of the 11 incorporated town/city governments in Marin? Or do you need to contact Caltrans (state maintained road issues, such as Hwy 37, Hwy 1, Manzanita Park & Ride), PG&E (utilities inquiries), WildCare (animal concerns) or Marin Humane (animal services)?  Here's a brief rundown for your convenience:

Jurisdiction Address Phone
City of Belvedere 450 San Rafael Avenue
Belvedere, CA 94920
(415) 435-3838 (Administrative Office)
(415) 435-4111 (Department of Public Works)
Town of Corte Madera 300 Tamalpais Drive
Corte Madera, CA 94925
(415) 927-5050 (Administrative Office)
(415) 927-5057 (Department of Public Works)
Town of Fairfax 142 Bolinas Road
Fairfax, CA 94930
(415) 453-1584 (Administrative Office)
(415) 458-2370 (Department of Public Works)
City of Larkspur 400 Magnolia Avenue
Larkspur, CA 94939
(415) 927-5110 (Administrative Office)
(415) 927-5017 (Department of Public Works)
City of Mill Valley 26 Corte Madera Avenue
Mill Valley, CA 94941
(415) 388-4033 (Administrative Office)
(415) 384-4800 (Department of Public Works)
City of Novato 922 Machin Avenue
Novato, CA 94945
(415) 899-8900 (Administrative Office)
(415) 899-8246 (Department of Public Works)
Town of Ross 31 Sir Francis Drake Boulevard
Ross, CA 94957
(415) 453-1453 (main line)
City of San Rafael 1400 Fifth Street
San Rafael, CA 94901
(415) 485-3070 (Administrative Office)
(415) 485-3355 (Department of Public Works)
City of Sausalito 420 Litho Street
Sausalito, CA 94965
(415) 289-4100 (Administrative Office)
(415) 289-4106 (Department of Public Works)
Town of San Anselmo 525 San Anselmo Avenue
San Anselmo, CA 94960
(415) 258-4600 (Administrative Office)
(415) 258-4616 (Department of Public Works)
Town of Tiburon 1505 Tiburon Boulevard
Tiburon, CA 94920
(415) 435-7373 (Administrative Office)
(415) 435-7354 (Department of Public Works)
Agency Address Phone
California Department of Transportation (Caltrans)

District 4: Jurisdiction over Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, San Francisco, Santa Clara, Solano, and Sonoma.

Use their online Customer Service portal for questions or concerns.

Oversees highways and state roads, such as Hwy 37, Hwy 1, Manzanita Park & Ride.

111 Grand Ave
Oakland, CA 94612
(510) 286-4444


Use their online Customer Service portal for questions or concerns.

Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E)

Street Light Outages
Yard Safety & Tree Management

Multiple locations. Find the one nearest to you. (866) 523-8386 (Street Light Outages)
(800) 743-5002 (Power Outage Info)
(800) 743-5000 (Vegetation Management)

Offers information, education and services regarding animals.
This includes animal medical services for sick or injured wildlife and public resources/services for a variety of wildlife concerns.

76 Albert Park Lane
San Rafael, CA 94901
(415) 453-1000 (Administration)
(415) 456-7283 (Wildlife Hotline)
Marin Humane Society

Full range of animal services, including public inquiries concerning sick, injured, dead, or rabies-suspect wildlife.

171 Bel Marin Keys Blvd.
Novato, CA 94949
(415) 883-4621
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