Corte Madera Library Upgrades



The Marin County Free Library’s Corte Madera branch, located at 707 Meadowsweet Drive, will receive a variety of upgrades. The work will create code compliant path of travel from Meadowsweet Drive to the Library entrance, electric vehicle chargers, a new heating and cooling system, and new bathrooms with current ADA requirements.


Engineer’s estimate for the project is $2.3M and is funded through the Corte Madera Library Accessibility Fund, Marin County Free Library Measure A funds, and the Climate Action Plan Fund.

Public impacts

The branch will be closed to the public for the month of August to accommodate the most intensive phase of interior work. From September through the end of the project, the Marin County Free Library may need to adjust the branch’s hours of operation, which will be announced once the project is closer to that stage. It should be noted that the Larkspur and Marin City libraries are the closest alternative locations.

The south parking lot will be used as the staging area for the contractor and therefore will remain closed to the public for the duration of the project. The east parking lot will be available for public use, with only the occasional need for partial restrictions to accommodate specific construction activities.

During the month-long closure and the potential adjusted hours toward  the end of the project, children’s programs that are typically held at the Corte Madera branch may be impacted. Community outreach will be conducted when the details are solidified so that parents have enough time to adjust.


August 2022

  • Design completed

June 2024

  • Construction phase begins

Spring 2025

  • Anticipated completion of construction phase
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