Sir Francis Drake Blvd MP 20.97



Storms caused two separate slip outs along Sir Francis Drake Blvd at milepost 20.97 on the eastbound lane, located between Highway 1 and Platform Bridge Road (close to the Bolinas Ridge Trailhead). The County proposes to install two new retaining walls to shore up the roadway shoulder. The County is coordinating with the National Park Services regarding this work.


The engineer’s estimate is $1,420,000 and will be funded through the Federal Highways Administration’s Emergency Relief Funds with a local match.

Traffic impacts

There will be one lane access with alternating two-way control through the single lane. Traffic delays will be limited to 5 minutes. A temporary traffic signal system will be implemented and operational during non-working hours. Traffic delays can be expected during non-working hours.


Summer 2025

  • Expected construction phase
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