Fairfax-Bolinas Road CONDITION UPDATES, thank you for your patience: Fairfax-Bolinas Road is closed from Azalea Hill to Ridgecrest on weekdays, but is open on weekends with the single lane access at milepost 5.73. By the end of January (weather permitting), the project is expected to be completed and the roadway will fully reopen. See project webpage for details.

Certified Unified Program Agency (CUPA) fees

Public services fees

Effective July 01, 2017

Ordinance No. 3490 (summary related to fees)

The Board of Supervisors of the County of Marin does hereby ordain as follows:

7.80.015 Fee Schedule

Pursuant to Health and Safety Code, Division 20, Chapter 6.11, Section 25404.5(a), each CUPA shall institute a single fee system for all CUPA programs. Any existing fees for programs now under CUPA are to be replaced by the single fee system. These fees are to be set to a level sufficient to pay necessary and reasonable cost incurred by the CUPA in administering the CUPA programs. The changes in the fee schedule shall become in effect upon the effective date of the ordinance codified in this section. Future amendments may be added to cover the costs of implementing the various CUPA programs. No refund or rebate of a permit application shall be allowed by reason of the fact that the permit is denied or the permittee discontinues the activity or use of a facility prior to the expiration of the term of that permit.

7.80.020 Underground Storage Tank Fees

The following fees and charges are enacted:

Operation and Inspection Fee
Annual permit to operate (store): Per tank $1,061.00
Plan check/installation inspection: Per tank ( up to 5 hours staff time*) $530.00
Modification of Tank System Fee
No plan check: Per tank (up to 3 hours of staff time*) $318.00
Plan check: Per tank (up to 5 hours of staff time*) $530.00
Removal of tank(s): Per tank ( up to 5 hours of staff time*) $530.00
Transfer of permit: All tanks $200.00
In-place closure: Per tank $530.00
Temporary closure $106.00
Consultation/facility oversight $106.00/hour

7.80.025 Hazardous Materials Business Plan and California Accidental Release Prevention Fees

The following fees and charges are enacted: Hazardous Materials in Tanks (both Aboveground and Underground):

Fee Group and Volume

Total Volume of Hazardous Material in Tanks (both aboveground and underground)

T1 - Aggregates of up to and including 500 gallons $263.00
T2 - Aggregates of 501 -- 1,500 gallons $292.00
T3 - Aggregates of 1,501 -- 12,000 gallons $321.00
T4 - Aggregates of 12,001 -- 40,000 gallons $350.00
T5 - Aggregates of > 40,000 gallons $379.00
Fee Group
Volume of Hazardous Material NOT Contained in Tanks
R1 - Aggregates of 0 -- 55 gallons
(Applicable only if you use hazardous materials in a tank)
R2 - Aggregates of 56 -- 165 gallons, 200 -- 500 cubic feet, and 500 -- 1,000 pounds $438.00
R3 - Aggregates of 166 -- 550 gallons, 501 -- 1,000 cubic feet, and 1,001 -- 5,000 pounds $467.00
R4 - Aggregates of 551 -- 1,100 gallons, >1,001 cubic feet, and 5,001 -- 10,000 pounds $496.00
R5 - Aggregates of >1,101 gallons and >10,001 pounds $526.00
F   - Farms $175.00
California Accidental Release Prevention Program (CalARP) $2,652.00
Consultation/facility oversight $106.00/hour

7.80.030 Hazardous Waste Generator and Hazardous Waste Treatment Fees

The following fees and charges are enacted:

Fee Group Fee
Hazardous waste generator not in combination with other programs $212.00
Hazardous waste generator in combination with other programs $451.00
Hazardous waste generator classified as a large quantity generator $637.00
Hazardous waste onsite treatment/tiered permitting $583.00
Hazardous waste generator classified as a farm $159.00
Consultation/facility oversight $106.00/hour

7.80.032 Aboveground Storage of Petroleum Products

The following fees and charges are enacted:

Total volume of petroleum product stored aboveground in gallons. Fee
A1 - Aggregates of 1320 to less than 10,000 $796.00
A2 - Aggregates of 10,000 to less than 100,000 $1,591.00
A3 - Aggregates of 100,000 plus $2,652.00
Plan check/installation inspection: Per tank (up to 5 hours staff time*) $530.00
Modification of tank system:
No plan check: Per tank (up to 2 hours staff time) $212.00
Plan check: Per tank (up to 5 hours staff time) $530.00
Removal of tank(s): Per tank (up to 2 hours staff time) $212.00

7.80.035 State UPA Surcharge Fee

The term "State CUPA Surcharge" shall be deemed to refer to those provisions and fees prescribed pursuant to contained in Section 25404.5 Paragraph (c), and Section 25287 Paragraphs "(a)" and "(b)" of the Health and Safety code.

A State of California surcharge as required by the Health and Safety Code and California Code of Regulations shall be added to each fee. (Ord 3357 §§ 1 and 2, 2003: Ord. 3330 §§ 1 and 2, 2001: Ord. 3313 §§ 1 and 2, 2000: Ord. 3263 § 1, 1997; Ord. 3262 § 1 (part), 1997)

7.80.040 Delinquent Fees

All fees delinquent for thirty (30) days shall be subject to a penalty of twenty-five (25) percent of the permit fee. For each additional month, or fraction thereof, in which the delinquency continues, an additional penalty of twenty-five (25) percent of the fee shall be collected. Delinquent penalty fees will continue to be assessed for each additional month up to one hundred percent of the permit fee. (Ord. 3262 § 1 (part), 1997)

SECTION III: EFFECTIVE DATE AND PUBLICATION is hereby declared to be in full force and effect as of June 6, 2008 and a summary shall be published once before the expiration of fifteen (15) days after its passage, with the names of the Supervisors voting for and against the same, in the Marin Independent Journal, a newspaper of general circulation published in the County of Marin.

SECTION VI: PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Marin held on this 6th day of May, 2008.

Project fees

Effective December 06, 2012

Murray Park Sewer Maintenance District(MPSMD)

Fee Description Amount
Annual sewer charge (per living unit) $472.00

San Quentin Village Sewer Maintenance District (SQVSMD)

Fee Description Amount
Annual sewer charge (per living unit) $472.00

For more information please visit our Municipal Code website. You can find a copy of the CUPA fee schedule by visiting the library's municipal code section.  Be sure and enter the keywords "CUPA fees" in the search box to find the information more quickly.

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