Storm Related Road Closures for Unincorporated Marin County: Fairfax-Bolinas Road from Azalea Hill to Highway 1 in West Marin is closed due to debris on the roadway.

Garbage providers


Garbage cansDepending on where you live in Marin, there are different waste service providers. Those companies operate under different franchise agreements with governing agencies.  The County of Marin's Waste Management division administers waste collection franchises for three unincorporated areas of the County:

West Marin

Residents living in West Marin are serviced by Recology. Bolinas and Stinson are a part of this area and serviced by Recology as well, however their franchise agreements are overseen by BPUD  and Stinson Beach Water , respectively.

Central Marin

Residents living in  Kentfield, Ross Valley, Greenbrae and Country Club Estates are serviced by Marin Sanitary Service.

Southern Marin

Residents living in select unincorporated neighborhoods including Paradise Cay, Mar East, and Panoramic Highway are serviced by Mill Valley Refuse Service

Residents living in  select unincorporated areas including Kappa’s, Yellow Ferry and Waldo’s harbors, and the Marin Headlands are serviced by Bay Cities Refuse Service.

Don't see your town, neighborhood or area?

If your area is not listed  above, it is probably under a franchise agreement that is not administered by the County of Marin's Waste Management division. Each city, town and various special districts in Marin county also hold waste collection franchises.  For a list of other areas of Marin and their related garbage haulers, visit Zero Waste Marin.

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