Fairfax-Bolinas Road CONDITION UPDATES, thank you for your patience: At milepost 5.73, Fairfax-Bolinas Road will be open on weekdays and weekends from 12/16/24 through 1/1/25 (weather permitting), with traffic controlled through a single lane with alternating access. This is to accommodate the holiday traffic. From 1/2/25 through 1/5/25, the road will be closed at milepost 5.73 to allow for construction activities as the project nears completion, weather permitting. After 1/5/25, it is anticipated that the road will be closed from Azalea Hill to Ridgecrest on weekdays only. By mid-January, the project is expected to be completed and the roadway will fully reopen. See project webpage for details.

Airport information for pilots

Typical weather

Weather at Gnoss Field might be called California nice. Morning low clouds often burn off before noon. The marine layer comes in occasionally from the Pacific Ocean due west or wraps around from the Golden Gate through San Pablo Bay from the southeast. Storms in the winter usually come from the southwest. Otherwise, most days are clear and pleasant.

  • AWOS radio: 120.675
  • AWOS phone: 415-897-2236


Crosswinds frequent Gnoss Field due to the high terrain to the west and cool waters of San Pablo Bay to the southeast. Gusts often increase the challenge of landing, so be prepared to go around. Some pilots claim that landing with crosswinds are better on runway 31 than runway 13 due to hangars and terrain, but be cautious.

Noise abatement procedures

Noise sensitive residents occupy homes to the south and southeast of the airport. Please see the Noise Abatement Procedures. In summary, no straight in approaches to runway 31 over the homes, and no straight out departures from runway 13 over the homes. Please fly tight traffic patterns for runway 31 to avoid overflight of the homes south and southeast of the airport.

VFR Procedures

VFR procedures must avoid the radio towers, which are 520′ MSL. Traffic patterns may be inside or outside the towers depending on the performance of your aircraft. Approach the traffic pattern from outside the towers. For landing on runway 31, do not fly straight-in and turn base abeam the towers and plan a one-half mile final.

Instrument procedures

Gnoss Field has one instrument approach, GPS RWY 13. The minimums are 1000′ MSL due to towers and terrain.

Instrument departures involve turns to headings 080 degrees from runway 13 and 360 degrees from runway 31.

Clearance for instrument departures can be received from Oakland Center, either by radio on the ground or through the FAA phone service. Some pilots file IFR flight plans with pickup points at nearby VORs, either Scaggs Island (SGD), Santa Rosa (STS), or Point Reyes (PYE).

  • Oakland Center: 127.80
  • FAA Clearance: 888-766-8267

Itinerant parking

Gnoss Field reserves transient parking on the ramp closest to the administration building in spaces outlined in blue stripes. Large aircraft may park at both ends of the row; smaller aircraft in between facing the runway.


Full-service fuel is available at 415-897-1653

Wash rack

The wash rack is located on the east side of the runway, midfield, between the two sets of hangars. Signs limit usage to selected days due to the California drought.

Gate access

Several pedestrian gates allow people to walk through between the ramp and the parking lots. Vehicle gate access requires card entry, available from the Airport Manager and generally issued to airport tenants.

Wildlife incident report

Marin County requests that pilots report encountering wildlife on, above or near the airport. Use this form, as well as FAA form 5200-7in the case of a wildlife strike.

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