Fairfax-Bolinas Road CONDITION UPDATES, thank you for your patience: At milepost 5.73, Fairfax-Bolinas Road will be open on weekdays and weekends from 12/16/24 through 1/1/25 (weather permitting), with traffic controlled through a single lane with alternating access. This is to accommodate the holiday traffic. From 1/2/25 through 1/5/25, the road will be closed at milepost 5.73 to allow for construction activities as the project nears completion, weather permitting. After 1/5/25, it is anticipated that the road will be closed from Azalea Hill to Ridgecrest on weekdays only. By mid-January, the project is expected to be completed and the roadway will fully reopen. See project webpage for details.

Airport document archive

FAA – Record of Decision (ROD) July 2020

ROD – Proposed Extension of Runway 13/31

Final Supplement to Final Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) January 2020

Volume 1

Final SEIS Cover Sheet[PDF]

Final SEIS Inside Cover[PDF]

Table of Contents[PDF]

Acronyms and Glossary of Terms[PDF]

Final SEIS Summary[PDF]

Chapter 1: Background[PDF]

Chapter 2: Purpose and Need[PDF]

Chapter 3: Alternatives[PDF]

Chapter 4: Affected Environment[PDF]

Chapter 5: Environmental Consequences

5.0: Introduction[PDF]
5.1: Noise[PDF]
5.2: Compatible Land Use[PDF]
5.3: Socioeconomic Impacts[PDF]
5.4: Secondary Impacts[PDF]
5.5: Air Quality[PDF]
5.6: Water Quality[PDF]
5.7: Department of Transportation 4(f)[PDF]
5.8: Historic, Architectural, Archaeological, and Cultural Resources[PDF]
5.9: Biological Resources[PDF]
5.10: Wetlands and Streams[PDF]
5.11: Floodplains[PDF]
5.12: Coastal Resources[PDF]
5.13: Wild and Scenic Rivers[PDF]
5.14: Farmlands[PDF]
5.15: Energy Supply, Natural Resources, and Sustainable Design[PDF]
5.16: Visual Resources[PDF]
5.17: Hazardous Materials, Pollution Prevention, and Solid Waste[PDF]
5.18: Construction Impacts[PDF]
5.19: Irreversible and Irretrievable Commitment of Resources[PDF]

Chapter 6: Cumulative Impact[PDF]

Chapter 7: List of Preparers[PDF]

Volume 2

Appendix A-1: Agency Scoping and Coordination[PDF]
Appendix B-1: Public Involvement[PDF]
Appendix C-1: Aviation Activity Forecast[PDF]
Appendix D-1: Runway Length Analysis[PDF]
Appendix E-1: Noise[PDF]
Appendix F-1: Air Quality[PDF]
Appendix G-1: Water Quality[PDF]
Appendix H-1: Cultural Resources[PDF]
Appendix I-1: Biological Resources[PDF]
Appendix J-1: Wetlands[PDF]
Appendix K-1: Energy and Natural Resources[PDF]
Appendix L-1: Hazardous Materials[PDF]
Appendix M-1: Geology, Soils, and Seismicity Resources[PDF]
Appendix N-1: Mineral Resources[PDF]
Appendix O-1: Land Use Assurance Letter[PDF]
Appendix P-1: Comments Received on the Draft Supplement to the Final EIS[PDF]
Appendix Q-1: FAA Response to Comments Received on the Draft Supplement to the Final EIS[PDF]

Notice of Availability (EIS-NOA)[PDF]

Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) June 2014

Volume 1

FEIS Cover Sheet[PDF]

FEIS Inside Cover[PDF]

Table of Contents[PDF]

Acronyms and Glossary of Terms[PDF]

FEIS Summary[PDF]

Chapter 1: Background[PDF]

Chapter 2: Purpose and Need[PDF]

Chapter 3: Alternatives[PDF]

Chapter 4: Affected Environment[PDF]

Chapter 5: Environmental Consequences

5.0: Introduction[PDF]
5.1: Noise[PDF]
5.2: Compatible Land Use[PDF]
5.3: Socioeconomic Impacts[PDF]
5.4: Secondary Impacts[PDF]
5.5: Air Quality[PDF]
5.6: Water Quality[PDF]
5.7: Department of Transportation 4(f)[PDF]
5.8: Historic, Architectural, Archaeological, and Cultural Resources[PDF]
5.9: Fish, Wildlife, and Plants[PDF]
5.10: Wetlands and Streams[PDF]
5.11: Floodplains[PDF]
5.12: Coastal Resources[PDF]
5.13: Wild and Scenic Rivers[PDF]
5.14: Farmlands[PDF]
5.15: Energy Supply, Natural Resources, and Sustainable Design[PDF]
5.16: Light Emissions and Visual Impacts[PDF]
5.17: Hazardous Materials, Pollution Prevention, and Solid Waste[PDF]
5.18: Construction Impacts[PDF]

Chapter 6: Cumulative Impacts[PDF]

Chapter 7: List of Preparers[PDF]

EIS Index[PDF]

Volume 3

Appendix Cover[PDF]
Appendix A: Agency Scoping and Coordination[PDF]
Appendix B: Public Involvement[PDF]
Appendix C: Aviation Activity Forecast[PDF]
Appendix D: Runway Length Analysis[PDF]
Appendix E: Noise[PDF]
Appendix F: Air Quality[PDF]
Appendix G: Water Quality[PDF]
Appendix H: Cultural Resources[PDF]
Appendix I: Biological Resources[PDF]
Appendix J: Wetlands[PDF]
Appendix K: Energy and Natural Resources[PDF]
Appendix L: Hazardous Materials[PDF]
Appendix M: Geology, Soils, and Seismicity Resources[PDF]
Appendix N: Mineral Resources[PDF]
Appendix O: Land Use Assurance Letter[PDF]
Appendix P: Comments Received on Draft EIS/EIR[PDF]
Appendix Q: Response to Comments[PDF]

Notice of Availability (EIS-NOA)[PDF]

Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) November 2013

Volume 2


Table of Contents[PDF]

Chapter 1: Introduction[PDF]

Chapter 2: Project Summary[PDF]

Chapter 3: Project Description[PDF]

Chapter 4: Environmental Settings, Environmental Impacts, and Mitigation Measures

4.1: Approach to the Environmental Analysis[PDF]
4.2: Land Use and Planning[PDF]
4.3: Geology, Soils, and Seismicity[PDF]
4.4: Hydrology and Water Quality[PDF]
4.5: Vegetation and Wildlife[PDF]
4.6: Transportation and Circulation[PDF]
4.7: Noise[PDF]
4.8: Climate and Air Quality[PDF]
4.9: Cultural Resources[PDF]
4.10: Aesthetics and Visual Resources[PDF]
4.11: State and National Scenic Rivers[PDF]
4.12: Public Parks and Recreation[PDF]
4.13: Public Services and Utilities[PDF]
4.14: Energy and Natural Resources[PDF]
4.15: Socioeconomic Impacts[PDF]
4.16: Hazards and Hazardous Materials[PDF]
4.17: Mineral Resources[PDF]
4.18: Agricultural Resources[PDF]
4.19: Wetlands[PDF]
4.20: Floodplains[PDF]
4.21: Coastal Resources[PDF]

Chapter 5: Other CEQA Mandated Sections[PDF]

Chapter 6: Alternatives[PDF]

Chapter 7: List of Preparers[PDF]

Chapter 8: Bibliography[PDF]

Volume 3

Appendix Cover[PDF]
Appendix A: Agency Scoping and Coordination[PDF]
Appendix B: Public Involvement[PDF]
Appendix C: Aviation Activity Forecast[PDF]
Appendix D: Runway Length Analysis[PDF]
Appendix E: Noise[PDF]
Appendix F: Air Quality[PDF]
Appendix G: Water Quality[PDF]
Appendix H: Cultural Resources[PDF]
Appendix I: Biological Resources[PDF]
Appendix J: Wetlands[PDF]
Appendix K: Energy and Natural Resources[PDF]
Appendix L: Hazardous Materials[PDF]
Appendix M: Geology, Soils, and Seismicity Resources[PDF]
Appendix N: Mineral Resources[PDF]
Appendix O: Land Use Assurance Letter[PDF]
Appendix P: Comments Received on Draft EIS/EIR[PDF]
Appendix Q: Response to Comments[PDF]

Notice of Availability (EIS-NOA)[PDF]

Notice of Comment Deadline Extension and Rescheduled Public Hearing[PDF]

FEIR Amendment – Responses to Comments[PDF]

Marin County Board of Supervisors Certified Final EIR[PDF]

Board of Supervisors Merit Hearing – Public Notice

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