Marin County Drought and Water Shortage Risk Mitigation Plan


The California State Senate Bill 552 (SB 552), which passed in September 2021, mandates that State and local governments are to share responsibility in preparing for and responding to water shortage events. The intention of SB 552 is to improve the ability to manage future droughts and help prevent impacts on drinking water for communities vulnerable to impacts of climate change. The bill outlines the new requirements for small water suppliers, county governments, California Department of Water Resources, and the State Water Board to implement proactive drought planning and become better prepared for future water shortage events or dry years.

Per SB 552, each county is required to have a standing drought task force to facilitate drought and water shortage preparedness for state small water systems (serving 5 to 14 connections), domestic wells, and other privately supplied homes within the county’s jurisdiction. Each county must also develop a plan demonstrating the potential drought and water shortage risk and proposed interim and long-term solutions for state small water systems and domestic wells within the county.

For information regarding small water suppliers, counties, and state level SB 552 details, visit the California Department of Water Resources webpage.

What does this mean for Marin County?

The Marin County Drought & Water Shortage Risk Mitigation Plan (Plan) would be implemented in response to a drought scenario, as defined by Water Code section 13198(a). The Plan will address impacts on human health and safety, the ability to provide water to persons/communities that lose or are threatened with the loss or contamination of water supplies, and address immediate impacts on fish and wildlife resources.  

The County of Marin's Department of Public Works is preparing the Plan and will host a public virtual meeting in December 2024. The purpose of the meeting, which is primarily intended for domestic well users and State small water systems, is to share the goals of the plan, vulnerability maps, and risk assessment.  

Questions or concerns? Contact the County's Environmental Programs.

Public virtual meetings:


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