HSIP Signal Enhancements
The County of Marin has proposed traffic signal safety enhancements at 59 signalized intersections throughout unincorporated Marin County and in nine incorporated cities and towns. The project is a joint effort with the County of Marin acting as the lead agency coordinating with the cities and towns.
The proposed project safety improvements include: upgrading signal heads to 12" LED signal heads, adding signal head backplates, adding pedestrian countdown heads, adding audible pedestrian signals at pedestrian push buttons, updating signal hardware to incorporate Lead Pedestrian Intervals at crosswalks, and adding video or advanced detection loops for advanced dilemma zone detections.
The project will be conducted in two phases. The first phase will focus on the traffic signal enhancements, and the second phase will focus on the accessible pedestrian signals.
There are no below ground excavation or earth disturbance activities associated with any of the proposed improvements. The upgrades have the potential to improve public safety by reducing the incidence and severity of collisions at the intersections.
The estimated $1.5 million project is being funded by a California Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) grant.
Fall 2023
- Phase 1 – Traffic Signal Safety Enhancement construction
Summer 2024
- Phase 2 – Accessible Pedestrian Signals construction
Spring 2025
- Expected Construction Completion