Standard encroachment permit


This section outlines the requirements for an encroachment permit.

Applicants should:

  • Confirm that the planned work or event is in an area of unincorporated Marin and involves a County-maintained road and right-of-way by searching on Marin Maps.
  • Prepare a site map or plan that shows the property line, site features, and proposed improvements to submit with your application.
  • If traffic control is required, a MUTCD compliant traffic control plan must also be submitted with your application. All work, including but not limited to sewer repair, utility upgrades, tree trimming and sidewalk repair, in the County right-of-way must be planned and carried out to minimize inconvenience to the traveling public.
  • Any trenchwork must be performed by a licensed contractor.
  • Provide evidence of liability coverage in the applicant’s name in an amount not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence and $2,000,000 aggregate, that names the County of Marin as an additional insured. For certain small projects, property owners may submit their homeowner’s insurance policy.

Encroachment permit applications should be submitted by licensed contractors, utilities, water/sewer districts or telecommunications companies. Property owners may submit encroachment permit applications but they must provide confirmation of adequate liability insurance.

The encroachment permit application fee is $65.00 and is non-refundable. Additional fees related to inspection(s) will be determined during the application review process; the applicant is required to pay these additional fees before the permit will be issued.  It is important to point out that the County of Marin maintains an annual paving schedule, and the total fees may be impacted by the location of proposed work.

Applicants must be prepared to comply with all general provisions and any special conditions established by the County of Marin and also pass all required inspections. Applicants may also be asked to complete the Monument Preservation Acknowledgement form.

Encroachment permit applications that are submitted with evidence of commercial insurance and complete plans will be processed in 1-2 weeks, although in some cases the review and processing time may be longer due to the need for a site visit and/or plan revisions.

Need to extend or revise an encroachment permit?

Encroachment permits are typically issued for six months. If you need to extend the term of your encroachment permit or revise the scope of work, please submit a Request for extension and/or revision (see link below.)


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